Download Annotations on the apostolical Epistles book
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Date added: 3.07.2012
ISВN: 1990001324070
Author: Thomas Williamson Peile

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Apostolos (Apostle) means one who is sent forth, who is entrusted with a mission
The Letter to the Philippians (often simply called To the Philippians) is an epistle composed around 110 to 140 AD by one of the Apostolic Fathers, Polycarp of Smyrna
Annotations on the apostolical Epistles
Annotations on the apostolical Epistles
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Apostles - NEW.The e-text for this catalogue is taken from the Ages Spurgeon Collection on CD-ROM. The text was scanned from the original Passmore & Alabaster work and published on
Ante-Nicene Fathers: Introductory Note to.
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Polycarp's letter to the Philippians -.

American revision by A. Cleveland Coxe, of the original introductory notice, gives information on the genuine and spurious epistles, the shorter and longer Greek
Luther's Treatment of the 'Disputed Books' of the New Testament. Lutheran theologians like to make a distinction between the books of the New Testament which were
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. JOHN (1) jon (Ioannes): The name of several persons mentioned in the Apocrypha: (1) Father of Mattathias, grandfather of
1. The apostolic epistles are a natural sequence of the office and work committed by the Saviour to the apostles. They were the primitive preachers of the gospel, and